explanation Minty is a G3 pony who collected socks. Minty liked socks before they were cool.explanation An adorable piece of fan art of Luna wearing socks has spawned all kinds of cute fanart of Luna or another pony in socks, a fanfic, and even an officially licensed shirt. A few image macros pop up with some of the characters looking at the viewer asking for 'hugs'.Another response is "You misspelled Fluttershy."."Silly anon, that's not how you spell 'Pinkie Pie!'" explanation Fans naming other ponies as their favorite character tend to attract image macros with this phrase, though there's at least one version where Pinkie admits Fluttershy is her favorite, too.However, often used when isn't a pony at all (like Spike or Gilda), or is a character from a completely different work (like Magneto) which still isn't a pony. The omission of the word "the" is intentional. IS BEST PONY explanation A common way of expressing one's favor for a particular character.A scene from "Marks for Effort" where Cozy Glow visits Guidance Counseler Starlight gave us this face ◊.And now "Daring Don't" gives us Smugdash and a reworked Dashface.As of Season 2, there has been an abundance of Unintentional Uncanny Valley-ish expressions whenever a pony's head is looking directly at the camera.

The oft-used scrunchy face expression is also quite popular. Aside from Derpy Hooves and her Fish Eyes in the first episode, "Applebuck Season" brings us Rainbow Dash's gushing kissy-face (along with the accompanying phrase "So awesome!" and the emoticon " /)^3^(\") and Applejack's various loopy sleep-deprived faces, along with her look of disgust when she mishears the "wheat germ" part of Pinkie Pie's muffin recipe as "wheat worms", and "The Best Night Ever" brings "Flutterrage".
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Humane 7 - The Equestria Girls variant of the Mane 6 plus Sunset Shimmer.The Other Mane 6 - The most popular background ponies: Derpy Hooves, Doctor Whooves, Bon-bon, Lyra, Vinyl Scratch, and Octavia.This term has become an Ascended Meme and now often used by showrunners and other marketing to speak of the show's characters. Mane 6 - Referring to the show's main cast: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity.