Nay, it was fantastic in other regards! The world was well-balanced and designed, with a secret lying behind every corner. However! That does not mean this was a bad game. Let's get the major complaints out of the way - gameplay was a bit simple and upgrades were mainly superfluous the game had its fair share of frustrating moments (like that chain dash, urgh) and the story was a pretentious pile of drivel where telling less was more but ended up too confusing to understand or empathize with. I'll revise this review if I ever return to the game to finish the extra stuff. It also was difficult to determine the elevation of many things, since everything felt very flattened. The art and world building is really well done as well, although I feel like the artistic style doesn't lend itself well to distinguishing what's a playable space and whats decoration. The underground sections, while fun, are also short and repetitive. One thing I was disappointed in was how small the world actually is once you finish the game (although I haven't 100%'ed it yet, so I might be wrong). The general design of the enemies and bosses is really fun, but if you don't know what you're doing or the game feel doesn't 'click' with you, the game can be incredibly punishing, but once I got into that flow state, it was really fun weaving in and destroying everything, especially once I got the right power-ups. Now after coming back to it and being a bit more patient, I can say that the game is very good. I took a break that ended up lasting 3 years. I got all the way to the northern boss, and still the gameplay didn't make sense and my direction felt aimless. Hyper Light Drifter was a bit polarizing when I first played it, back in 2016.